
Bridgeport Hope School is proud to offer the comprehensive curriculum found in the Core Knowledge Sequence, as well as the "incremental development and continual review" provided in Saxon MathThe Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking, a multi sensory approach to teaching language arts, combines grapheme with phonemic awareness. The language arts program develops writing, vocabulary, and comprehension, integrating classic and moral literature.

In day to day interactions with students, teachers follow the Differentiated Instruction approach in the classrooms. The small class size offers an ideal environment for reaching the individual needs of each student. Teachers use a variety of methods including direct instruction, self-paced curriculum, group work, online courses, as well as visual learning. Since students learn through numerous learning channels, teachers develop their lesson plans accordingly.

Standardized Testing

Every other year the Terra Nova (formerly the California Achievement Test) is administered in the spring to grades 1st-8th. The Terra Nova is a standardized achievement test, meaning that the assessment is always given and scored the same way. This standardization enables the assessment to compare an individual student’s performance with the performance of all other students taking the same test, or with a set of academic standards and values. The Terra Nova tests achievement in four main content areas: Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics. This test is one of many tools used at BHS to determine how well each student is progressing at school.

After School Programs

To help working parents, BHS has an after school program each day for a nominal fee. Students work on their homework, receive help with homework if needed, and then have playtime or outside activities.